Relief work on foreign soil - How to make psychosocial support in a different culture effective

The seminar on "Relief work on foreign soil - How to make psychosocial support in a different culture effective" has been successfully organized on 4 October 2014. We would like to thank the co-organizer, Division of Clinical Psychology, Hong Kong Psychological Society, for the kind support and the speakers for sharing their experience and observation of the needs and cautions related to provision of disaster psychosocial support work abroad.

Date: 4 October 2014 (Saturday)
Time: 9.45am - 12:30pm
Venue: Room 202 Hong Kong Council of Social Services, 15 Henessy Rd, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Medium of Instructions: Cantonese
Free of Charge

For more information about the Seminar and enrollment, please kindly refer to the attached flyer.
